Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Grid-Connected PV-wind hybrid Microgrid System Using MATLAB/


  • Ibrahim E. Abdualkafi Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. High institute for science and technology, Sabratha, Libya
  • Abdelbaset M Ihbal Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - School of Applied Science and Engineering The Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies, Tripoli, Libya


renewable energy source; grid-connected; hybrid AC/DC microgrid; MPPT; distribution network;


Hybrid renewable Energy System (HRE) in a system configured with renewable energy sources requires storage facilities or backup generation to maintain continuity of supply to loads when the renewable energy sources alone are not sufficient. HRE systems are widely familiar as efficient power generation mechanisms due to their low operating costs, high reliability, and flexibility in grid-connected operations. This paper presents and investigate a model a Grid-Connected PV-wind hybrid Microgrid (MG) System. The system consists of a PV system, a wind turbine and an ultracapacitor as an energy storage element. All generation units have been connected to the distribution network to run in grid-connected mode. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) has been adopted to increase the power output then array efficiency of PV systems. For short-term transient simulations, dynamic models are developed for each system module. Utilizing MATLAB/Simulink, the simulated test-bed is created. Simulations are used to examine the test-bed's behaviors during steady state, abrupt variations in wind speed, and when facing a line fault. The outcomes of this study demonstrated that DER, UCESS, as well as the proposed control technique all support system stability under transient disturbance. The developed model might be seen as an effective tool for enhancing the functionality of the grid.


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How to Cite

Abdualkafi, I. E., & Ihbal, A. M. (2023). Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Grid-Connected PV-wind hybrid Microgrid System Using MATLAB/. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 122–129. Retrieved from https://ajost.journals.ly/ojs/index.php/1/article/view/31